Maria Giussani Bernasconi (Inverigo, 10 April, 1901 –Limbiate, 31 March, 1983), was a far-sighted woman of wide humanistic-cultural views. During her long life, full of many experiences and work, she decided to donate the part of her patrimony not needed for daily expenses for specific destinations: culture, charity and specifically to the restoration and conservation of art monuments representative of great spirituality and religious hope. Through the practice of a generous love for man and for the promotion of specialized studies, above all in the field of research relative to the human condition, she realized this goal by inviting qualified students to become involved.
In order to fulfill the wish of Maria Giussani Bernasconi, the “Foundation Maria Giussani Bernasconi for Art Restoration and Humanistic Studies” was founded on July 29th, 1981.